Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Our Policy on School Uniform


Winter Uniform (Autumn and Spring Term)


Royal blue V-Neck Sweatshirt with school logo*

Grey Skirt/Trousers (girls may wear trousers)

White polo shirt*

White Shirt to be worn with a school tie

Grey/Black socks/tights

Black shoes


Summer Uniform (Summer Term)


Royal black v-neck sweatshirt with school logo*

White Polo Shirt*

White shirt to be worn with school tie

Grey trousers/short trousers

Grey skirt

Alternatively girls may wear a blue check or striped summer dress

Grey/white socks

Black shoes


P.E/ Games Uniform

White T shirt with school logo*

Royal blue shorts*

Navy Shorts

Navy Skort

Navy Hoody

Navy Jogging bottoms

Royal blue fleece for outdoor games*

Royal blue jogging bottoms

Black/white plimsolls for indoor wear

Trainers or football boots for outdoor games

One piece swimming suit for girls

Swimming trunks for boys.




Trainers should not be worn as part of the daily uniform.

Skirts and dresses should be of a reasonable length and flowing.

Jogging bottoms should only be worn as part of P.E. kit.


* These items may be ordered through the school supplier. Please visit www.schoolwearfactory.co.uk to order new uniform .


Small variations to the items listed above may be considered acceptable under certain circumstances, e.g. towards the end of Year 6 prior to transferring to the High School. As a matter of courtesy the school should be consulted on any deviations.