Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Back to School

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are looking forward to welcoming all of the children back to school on Monday 8th March. There will continue to be health and safety arrangements in place in line with the latest government guidance.

Please see below the arrival and collection times for each class. We would ask that you follow these times to ensure social distancing can be maintained at our main entrance and exit points.  


We would ask that where possible only one person accompanies a child at drop off and pick up times. At Alveley we will have a one-way system around the site. 


ONE-WAY SYSTEM: Please enter through the Pavilion gate and follow the one-way system around the outside of the building to leave via the gate on Daddlebrook Road. Each class will have a designated drop off and pick up point outside the classroom door. We would ask that social distancing is maintained whilst waiting outside each classroom, using the yellow marked lines.  

Please continue to wear face masks on the school site.


When collecting pupils from school siblings can be collected together. Please arrive at the time of the youngest sibling, older siblings will be ready and can be collected on the way around the one way system to avoid having to make repeated trips.




Drop Off Time

Pick Up Time

EYFS (Nursery and Rec)


(AM Nursery 11.45)

Cedar (Year 1 and 2)



Elm (Year 3 and 4)



Oak (Year 5 and 6)




LUNCHES – lunches will be available for children entitled to government funded Free School Meals and universal meals (Reception, Year 1 and 2) and can be ordered each morning by all pupils (Nursery-Year 6) and paid for on Parent Pay (Y3- Y6). Our hot meal menu will resume as normal.


BELONGINGS/RESOURCES - All stationary will be provided in individual sets in class. Children may bring a bag with essential items, e.g. water bottles, lunch boxes, books and pencil case (please ensure pencil cases are of small size, can be left in school and are wipe able material). Children should not bring toys and teddies.


CLOTHING – Children will be required to wear uniform.  We intend to use our outdoor spaces as much as possible, children should bring appropriate clothing, including a coat.

On days where children have PE or Forest School we will minimise the need for changing and only change once. If pupils have the session in the morning they will be required to come in kit and then change into uniform following the session, when a session takes place in the afternoon pupils will return home in kits. Class teachers will put a reminder of PE and Forest School sessions on Tapestry. We would ask that kits are not left in school so children have minimal items in lockers.


WRAP AROUND CARE - Breakfast and after school clubs will be open but must be booked in advance on parent pay. We will not be able to accommodate bookings on the day. This will continue to take place in the hall where bubble groups can be maintained.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support during this term.


Kind regards


Mr O’Malley

Executive Headteacher