Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Diary Dates

Dates for Autumn Term Pt2


12th – 16th November   National Great schools lunch week

14th                              Elm Class lunch

14th                              Small cakes & Raffle tickets on sale for Children in Need

15th                              NSPCC Assembly

16th                              Children in Need (wear something spotty & donate £1)

21st                              Oak class lunch

23rd                              Bring a filled jam jar and have funny hair     

30th                              Christmas Fair



5th                                           EYFS and Cedar Nativity costumes brought into school by today

11th                              School Nativity rehearsal at church 9.30

17th                              EYFS dress rehearsal to school 9.30

17th                              School Panto YR 1-6 lunch at 11.00am leave at 12.15 back at 4.45pm

18th                              EYFS nativity to Parents in Hall 9.30am

18th                              School Nativity to Parents at Church 2.00pm

19th                              Christmas Lunch

20th                              Class Christmas Parties

21th                              Finish for Christmas



7th                                PD Day

8th                                School re-opens


Emergency Closures Winter Weather

If we are experiencing severe winter weather. Please listen to BBC Radio Shropshire who announce which schools are closed and look at the Shropshire council website for a list of schools that are closed. As always, please check the school website for updated information.