Welcome to Alveley Primary School

Thank You FOAS

A huge thank you to the amazing team of parent volunteers who have begun a transformation of our Forest School!

With amazing support from FOAS, the team of volunteers have begun our Forest School project, building resources as requested by the children. The project (previously arranged to begin back in April) is planned to develop the forest school environment, which is used by all of the pupils in school. All of the ideas for the developments have been led by the children. Resources and materials have been purchased with funds raised by FOAS.

This week all of the children have been really excited to explore Forest School. The area is now home to a brand new mud kitchen, which many children have already enjoyed making mud pies in! Children have enjoyed using the new log seats and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our story telling throne. We were excited to receive a donation of seed bombs, which we have scattered. The musical wall has been incredibly popular with pupils from Nursery to Year 6! Each class has also had the opportunity to help to create the bug hotel.

We are looking forward to continuing the developments after half term. It would not have been possible to begin the developments without the support of the volunteers and the generous donations received.

Thank you for the ongoing support!

Miss Coleman